Yoga as an instrument

This practice we call Yoga is an instrument which helps return us to the moment-to- moment unfolding of the source of all life, which is a life that leaves nothing out. Within the delicate manoeuvres of our lives, within the struggles of our own working lives, we can find a place where we feel connected. The teaching of Yoga is about such connection and help us in forming of a path out of the overall conditions of our lives.

When there is space, we find ourselves in the midst of life rather than entangled in an idea of how our life should be or should have gone or even an image of yourself around which the rest of your life pivots.


  • You do not an hour for Yoga, just enough to make a difference.

  • You do not need specific props only your own curiosity and a willingness to explore.

  • You do not need to be flexible. Think about what draws you to the practice. For most of us it is a pain of some kind. Start there.

If we listen to life and by life I mean if we listen to ourselves as well as the traffic, the birds, the wind moving thought the leaves of the tress, we can interrupt the habit tendency to create a solid me, my body and we can remind ourselves that a good conversation has a flow between listening and talking.

So what state of mind body spirit do you want to move through your world tonight? How did you move through your world today? Who are you? All great questions to work with but Yoga is asking us not to find a solid answer but only to become the question mark itself. This is your life. Don’t miss it. 


Hip openers