winter’s water season
As the wheel turns gently on, each phase within the cycle has a task to complete before handing over to the next phase in this continuous and endless channel through which life passes through the flowing hands of time. If Autumn was finding meaning and value in our life, our self and others, what will be the gifts that Winter’s Water will bestowed upon us?
This vast movement we call Water asks of us to close the chapter. This is the great unifier drawing the cycle to a close and so it is here we see the links between past and future and the thread that connects these is the source of our inherited wisdom.
winter’s invitations
This is a wonderful time to sit and deliberately reflect upon all that has been and what it is that the heart truly wants for you in this life.
Eat foods that support your Kidneys by eating blue-black foods such as black-beans. Use ginger for its warming qualities and make your own chicken stock for stews and soups to nourish your bones.
Follow the natural rhythms. Nature is pausing to take a breath and so should you. We all know sleep and water intake are important so explore what quantities you as an individual need of these now.
As you know I am a huge yin yoga and meditation fan. These quiet practices support our ability to stretch not only our tissues and to harmonise the flow of Qi, but also stretch our capacity for presence.
Farmers used to wear dungarees for a reason. Keep your Kidneys warm at all times yet go outside to remind yourself that nature is not something you visit, it is deeply part of who you are.
Winter is a time that speaks of great challenge and restriction yet within that, in the very depths something else will be carved. As we prepare to till the land of our own consciousness and future, we are being asked now, to rest and wait. The answers for which direction we are to take when the light returns, will come in time. Now we are to come home, allow what has been experienced to move back into the fabric of the great dao. The work here and now is inside within the warmth of our own home, hearts and within the depths of our own psyche so we are not tempted to bring the past forward into the future.
How you move forward, which steps you take will be revealed in time. For now, hold with open palms the memories within you of times of great expansion. This is the greatest gesture of acceptance and as we move through the restrictive cycle knowing inevitably, this great contraction holds within it the space to break free because all things run in cycles.