protecting your skin.

Buried deep within ourselves into which the eye can not penetrate, rest the organs of the body over which lays our flesh and skin, revealing only our surface self. Despite its apparent fragility, this protection of outer casing, its resistance to with-stand a lifetime’s blows. It holds us in its protective embrace, moulding itself around the intricate pathways of nerves and blood, flowing over firm contours of muscles and bone, opening itself to welcome inside it, through pores, mouth and nose, the gifts that life showers upon us and closing down to defend us from harm.


  • Massage your skin with almond or coconut oil.

  • Moisturise with a natural body butter as part of your daily routine.

  • Include Anti-Oxidants and Omega -3 in your diet 

  • Avoid hot showers and limit bath time to fifteen minutes.

  • Drink Plenty Of Water.

  • Wear Sunscreen Regularly.

  • Stress management techniques like simple physical and meditation.

  • Good quality sleep to boost the effects of the above.

Our skin gives us boundaries so we may turn outwards to confront the unknown whilst its inner, faces inwards to watch over those hidden parts of us that are so precious and so private. 


Golden milk


Autumn’s Metal season